Weight | 0,05 kg |
HS code | 8419 9015 |
Country | United States |
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Mon - Fri (24 hours)
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Technical expertise
Mon - Fri (24 hours)
STEP files download
Technical expertise
Mon-Fri (24 hours)
STEP files download
Technical expertise
€ 112,00
22 items available
Expected delivery time: 2 - 3 weeks
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Weight | 0,05 kg |
HS code | 8419 9015 |
Country | United States |
Expected delivery time |
System Glovebox are available in three widths, 1200mm, 1800mm, and 2400mm. A dual microprocessor control specifically designed for gloveboxes. Easy to use with all key information available on one touchscreen. The 0 – 50m3/h stainless steel blower controls circulation.
The glovebox is designed to maintain an atmosphere less than 1 ppm O2 and 1 ppm H2O. This is attained by a gas purification system that is easily accessible, and has automatic valves. A large antechamber is installed with auto control optional. A rapid small transfer chamber is also available.
Box shelving standard or customized. The system is delivered ready for use with Nitrogen, Helium, or Argon.
Specialist in High-Vacuum technology.
Tel: +31 (0)226 33 21 00
E-mail: vacuum@demaco.nl
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Visiting address
Oester 2
NL-1723 HW Noord-Scharwoude
Post address
PO Box 4
NL-1723 ZG Noord-Scharwoude
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13 & 14 November 2024 | Brabanthallen | ‘S-Hertogenbosch | Stand 365