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Technical expertise
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Technical expertise
Rotary vane vacuum pump oils listed below reduce oil change cycles and maximize performance. To cover the whole range of vacuum applications we offer several types of oil with different specifications:
Mineral Oil: Oil for general use in rotary vane pumps. Very low vapor pressure (<1.10 e-5 mbar).
Synthetic Oil: for high operating temperature and for continuous pumping of large vapor amounts.
Paraffin Oil: Mineral oil for pumping air, chemically inert gasses, water vapor and solvent vapors.
PFPE Oil: Oil with medium values of vapor pressure and attainable ultimate partial pressure. Especially used for pumping Oxygen and Ozone.
PAO Oil: Synthetic Oil with high chemical stability. Particular suited for distillation and freeze drying processes.
Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Showing 1–12 of 17 results
Specialist in High-Vacuum technology.
Tel: +31 (0)226 33 21 00
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Oester 2
NL-1723 HW Noord-Scharwoude
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NL-1723 ZG Noord-Scharwoude
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