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Technical expertise
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Technical expertise
Our metal hoses are circular corrugated all-metal hoses. The profiling on the corrugation determines the elastic pliability and compressive resistance. The typical KF connections are welded onto the metal hoses. To eliminate temper colors and clean the weld seam, in a special vacuum annealing procedure the hoses are baked-out at approx. 1040 °C under forming gas. In this process, the metal hose is simultaneously soft annealed and thus receives its extremely flexibility property. Our metal spring bellows are corrugated metal bellows. The corrugated sections that run concentrically and parallel to one another give the metal spring bellows axial, angular and lateral mobility, whereby combinations of this are also possible. Metal spring bellows are not annealed.
Flexible bellows
Flexible stainless steel bellows are heat treated for maximum flexibillity and they are available in different lengths. Our flexible bellows have more convolutions than comparable products, resulting in greater flexibility and lower spring rates.
Flexible couplings
Maximum compression for flexible couplings is typically 20% of the convolution (flexible) length. Extension is typically 10%.
PVC hoses
PVC hoses can be used as a low cost rough vacuum line due to their higher outgassing rate. Although it can be bent relatively easily, it cannot be compressed or extended.
Showing 1–16 of 143 results
Specialist in High-Vacuum technology.
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NL-1723 HW Noord-Scharwoude
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NL-1723 ZG Noord-Scharwoude
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